Presentation of a book about 7 Yazidi women in Erbil

Read: 1267     12:30     05 Июнь 2023    

The public library in Sami Abdulrahman Park in Erbil hosted the presentation of a book about the lives of Yazidi girls in captivity and slavery.

The book "Parchment, Chain and Curtain" in Arabic consists of 7 stories written by Ilham Abdulrahman and is his first work.

Writer Ilham Abdulrahman told the Yazidi media about his book: "The contents of the book are the stories of 7 Yazidi girls and women who were kidnapped by ISIS terrorists, and some of them remained in ISIS for many years, they were sold dozens of times, being tortured and abused. When they returned, they lived in tents, which is not much better than their former lives because there are no basic means of subsistence."

Writer Ilham Abdulrahman stated that even after being rescued, Yazidi girls and women are in a severe mental state and face many difficulties in their daily lives.

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Presentation of a book about 7 Yazidi women in Erbil

Read: 1268     12:30     05 Июнь 2023    

The public library in Sami Abdulrahman Park in Erbil hosted the presentation of a book about the lives of Yazidi girls in captivity and slavery.

The book "Parchment, Chain and Curtain" in Arabic consists of 7 stories written by Ilham Abdulrahman and is his first work.

Writer Ilham Abdulrahman told the Yazidi media about his book: "The contents of the book are the stories of 7 Yazidi girls and women who were kidnapped by ISIS terrorists, and some of them remained in ISIS for many years, they were sold dozens of times, being tortured and abused. When they returned, they lived in tents, which is not much better than their former lives because there are no basic means of subsistence."

Writer Ilham Abdulrahman stated that even after being rescued, Yazidi girls and women are in a severe mental state and face many difficulties in their daily lives.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis