Syrian Yazidis left to fend for themselves after the earthquake

Read: 1223     15:30     09 Март 2023    

After the earthquakes that hit Turkish and Syrian cities, which caused great damage to the infrastructure of cities, including the Syrian district of Jendires, where representatives of the Yazidi minority live, humanitarian organizations went to the earthquake-affected cities to help earthquake victims and save what was left of them under the rubble. However, despite the presence of a huge number of organizations located there, Yazidis are not noticed.

Citizen Masoud Khalil Hesso, a Yazidi by origin, told Ezidi 24 that the Yazidis, despite the great damage and suffering, are deprived of humanitarian aid. Village of Jaklium is home to 24 Yazidi families who were affected by the earthquake and are still suffering because they were not given help.

Hesso called on humanitarian organizations to reach out and give them a helping hand, as well as other citizens, because they also suffered from the earthquake, like others.

It is worth noting that countries and non-governmental organizations continue to provide assistance to victims of earthquakes, and that the Yazidis in Syria have suffered and continue to suffer because of the neglect of the government and the lack of political force to protect them.

Ezidi 24

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis  

Syrian Yazidis left to fend for themselves after the earthquake

Read: 1224     15:30     09 Март 2023    

After the earthquakes that hit Turkish and Syrian cities, which caused great damage to the infrastructure of cities, including the Syrian district of Jendires, where representatives of the Yazidi minority live, humanitarian organizations went to the earthquake-affected cities to help earthquake victims and save what was left of them under the rubble. However, despite the presence of a huge number of organizations located there, Yazidis are not noticed.

Citizen Masoud Khalil Hesso, a Yazidi by origin, told Ezidi 24 that the Yazidis, despite the great damage and suffering, are deprived of humanitarian aid. Village of Jaklium is home to 24 Yazidi families who were affected by the earthquake and are still suffering because they were not given help.

Hesso called on humanitarian organizations to reach out and give them a helping hand, as well as other citizens, because they also suffered from the earthquake, like others.

It is worth noting that countries and non-governmental organizations continue to provide assistance to victims of earthquakes, and that the Yazidis in Syria have suffered and continue to suffer because of the neglect of the government and the lack of political force to protect them.

Ezidi 24

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis