Tags: "yazidihistory" (10)

Zagros luminous

Read: 3746     10:00     30 Июль 2019    

My father Bakr from the tribe of Shipki, the feast of the genus Kamali, the mother of my Gozal from the tribe of cipki, caste Yazidis from the sort of buddy and to all generations of Yazidis dedicate.

Ask any educated person today how he or she sees the list of great achievements of human culture? Most likely, you will receive in response a list of such famous symbols as the pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon in Athens, the Roman Colosseum, Gothic cathedrals of Europe, the cuneiform of Mesopotamia, mosaics and sculptures of Greece, the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople, "Trinity" of St. Andrew Rublev, frescoes of Dionysius in the Ferapontov monastery, palaces, canals and bridges of St. Petersburg, etc.

However, there is on earth a mountainous country, ancient and mysterious, without the achievements of the residents which would not be all of the above achievements of the human spirit.

Within this land — in Upper Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates — the ancients placed Paradise: "Paradise" or, more precisely, "Paradise", which means in Sanskrit and ancient Iranian "fenced garden" (bax u baxche djnate).

The mountainous country in question is Ezidxan, Poti completely repeating the outlines of the Zagros mountain system — the birthplace of roses, tulips, lilacs and the first cereals.

The breath from this fenced garden was physically felt by the monk silent Ephraim the Syrian, who lived near the city of Edessa, where the Saviour sent to the Governor Akbar his miraculous image. Edessa has become now Urfa.

The Zagros range stretches from lake van to the Persian Gulf of the Indian ocean and is the natural boundary of Mesopotamia to the East, North and West.

The Roman historian Strabo called Mesopotamia only Northern Mesopotamia and southern Babylonia.

Pliny pushed the boundaries of Mesopotamia to the Persian Gulf.

Mesopotamia is formed by two great rivers of the two rivers — Tigris and Euphrates, which fifteen thousand years ago broke through to the sea.

Tiger originates near the small lake of the Khazars, a hundred kilometers from lake van

From there flows to the South-East, to the ancient capital of Assyria Nineveh, fifty kilometers from which the main sanctuary of the Yazidis — Lalesh.

The Euphrates has two sources, located between lake van and the city of Erzurum.

In those places a hundred years fought the Separate Caucasian corps of the Imperial Russian army, later renamed the Caucasus army, and incorporated in 1878 the Kars region of the Russian Empire.

To the line of the city Hit (on the Euphrates) and Samarra (on the Tigris) rivers converge

Somewhere near the ancient Assyrians fear before the terrible media will be invented tridtsatimetrovy Median wall.

Since ancient times, the rivers have made their way in the rock deposits of limestone and their channels have not changed.

Because such cities as Karkemish, Nineveh, Nimrud and Ashur, for many centuries stood on the banks, where they were laid by the ancient Yazidis.

The length of the Euphrates is 2700 km, the Tigris is about 1900 km.The Sumerians built their city-States in the southern Mesopotamia, a fertile muddy valley, from the IV Millennium BC.They created pictographic writing around 3300 BC.III Millennium BC. They met in prosperous city-States.

The Sumerians considered ereda (the old Testament era, now the village of Abu Shahrein) to be their oldest city.With Lloyd in 1948 began excavations there and under the lowest layer of the Sumerian found another 18 cultural layers.The same 18 cultural layers were found under the city of Gilgamesh — Uruk (now Varka).
Kurds appeared after the advent of Islam in the 7th century ad.  Many believe that the Yazidis and Kurds are one people. The Kurds converted to Islam in the 7th century and moved away from Yazidis and Yazidism. Many Yazidis and Kurds speak one so-called language (Kurmanji). But Kurds also have dialects Zaza, Sorani,Gorani.

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