During the meeting between Nechirvan Barzani and the new French Consul General in Erbil, the issues of Yazidi IDPs were touched upon

Read: 1253     15:00     02 Декабрь 2023    

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani met with the new French Consul General in Kurdistan, Yann Braham, to discuss bilateral relations and reaffirm the long-standing friendship between the Kurdish and French peoples.

During the meeting at the presidential headquarters in Erbil, President Barzani congratulated Consul General Braham on his appointment and expressed full support for his success in developing Kurdistan's ties with France. The two officials emphasized their shared commitment to strengthening cooperation in various sectors, including cultural, economic and political.

Consul General Braham expressed particular interest in the current situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kurdistan and inquired about the progress of efforts to close IDP camps and facilitate the safe return of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons to their original homes. He also expressed his desire to visit IDP camps in the near future to understand firsthand the challenges and needs faced by these communities.

France is a staunch supporter of Kurdistan and a key member of the U.S.-led International Coalition against the terrorist group ISIS. France's military presence in Iraq and Kurdistan has played a key role in building the region's security capacity and training local forces to combat extremist threats. France has also been actively involved in the reconstruction and stabilization of Sinjar province in Iraq, providing humanitarian assistance and hosting refugees displaced by the conflict with ISIS.

The meeting between President Barzani and Consul General Braham underscores the strong partnership between the Kurdistan Region and France, based on mutual respect, shared values and a commitment to cooperate on common challenges. Both sides expressed optimism about the future direction of bilateral relations and pledged to continue working together to advance the interests of both peoples.


Tags: #yezidis   #yazidis   #sindjar  

During the meeting between Nechirvan Barzani and the new French Consul General in Erbil, the issues of Yazidi IDPs were touched upon

Read: 1254     15:00     02 Декабрь 2023    

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani met with the new French Consul General in Kurdistan, Yann Braham, to discuss bilateral relations and reaffirm the long-standing friendship between the Kurdish and French peoples.

During the meeting at the presidential headquarters in Erbil, President Barzani congratulated Consul General Braham on his appointment and expressed full support for his success in developing Kurdistan's ties with France. The two officials emphasized their shared commitment to strengthening cooperation in various sectors, including cultural, economic and political.

Consul General Braham expressed particular interest in the current situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kurdistan and inquired about the progress of efforts to close IDP camps and facilitate the safe return of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons to their original homes. He also expressed his desire to visit IDP camps in the near future to understand firsthand the challenges and needs faced by these communities.

France is a staunch supporter of Kurdistan and a key member of the U.S.-led International Coalition against the terrorist group ISIS. France's military presence in Iraq and Kurdistan has played a key role in building the region's security capacity and training local forces to combat extremist threats. France has also been actively involved in the reconstruction and stabilization of Sinjar province in Iraq, providing humanitarian assistance and hosting refugees displaced by the conflict with ISIS.

The meeting between President Barzani and Consul General Braham underscores the strong partnership between the Kurdistan Region and France, based on mutual respect, shared values and a commitment to cooperate on common challenges. Both sides expressed optimism about the future direction of bilateral relations and pledged to continue working together to advance the interests of both peoples.


Tags: #yezidis   #yazidis   #sindjar