Yazidi organizations of Armenia condemn the transformation of Yazidi temple in Aknalich into a family shrine

Read: 2044     12:30     10 Октябрь 2023    

Yazidi figures in Armenia made a statement on the visit of Hazem Tahsin Bey to the country:

"All Yazidis know that the late Mirza Cholojevich Sloyan was a prominent Yazidi figure, and that his initiative to build a Yazidi temple for Yazidis in Armenia rendered a great and valuable service to Yazidis from all over the world. But, unfortunately, the temple has turned into a "family shrine" and personal property, holding religious ceremonies in this temple has acquired a family character rather than sacred religious ceremonies.

As you know, there is a division between religious shrines and political practices, and if there is any connection or interrelation between them, then they should be separated from each other, but unfortunately, as it is being implemented at present, there are negative practices in Imposing party politics on the Lalesh temple and Yazidis in Iraq from the outside The authorities and influential people in the Kurdistan regional government are trying to apply the same bad practice against Yazidis of Armenia and their shrines.

As you know, Hazem Tahsin Bey and his "spiritual council" were appointed and imposed by a political decision of the Kurdish party, above the power of Barzani himself, against the will of Yazidis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and it seems that the political parties themselves are trying to make Hazem Tahsin Bey an agent of Kurdistan politics, by all means forcing Yazidis of the whole world to recognize him.

A few months ago, with the direct support of Barzani's party, Hazem Tahsin Bey officially met with Yazidis in Germany, and a few weeks ago he continued meetings with a number of Yazidis from the United States, and today the same political party that handed over Yazidis and Sinjar (Shangal) to ISIS terrorists on August 3, 2014, sends its agent Hazem Tahsin to Armenia to meet with local Yazidis and impose yourself on them.

Therefore, we, as institutions, intellectuals and Yazidi figures in Armenia, pay attention to Yazidi public opinion and say that Hazem Tahsin Bey's visit to Armenia is an attempt to destroy Yazidi union, harmony and cohesion. We, Yazidis of Armenia, like our ancestors, remaining on Yazidi origins and principles, will not turn into something else under any political pressure. Everyone should know that Hazem Tahsin is not a guest of Yazidis of Armenia, but rather he is just a guest of the family of the late Mizra Cholojevich, and that his visit to Armenia is a purely political visit. Yazidis have no interest or benefit in it, and therefore we hope that this issue is known to everyone.

We, Yazidis of Armenia, do not accept and will not accept Hazem as our "prince", nor do we recognize him as the prince of Yazidis in general, he is rather a servant and an instrument for implementing the policy of the Kurdish party towards Yazidis.

Therefore, Hazem Tahsin Bey is a big problem for Yazidis of Iraq in particular, as well as for all Yazidis of the world in general, so we are not going to accept him in Armenia so that he will create problems for us in the future.

In conclusion, Hazem and the politicians supporting him should know that Armenia is not Kurdistan".

The undersigned:

Khedr Ajoyan is the President of the National Union of Yazidis of the Republic of Armenia.

Boris Tamoyan is the Chairman of the National Assembly of Yazidis.

Maxim Darvishyan is the Director of Yazidi Center for Religion and Heritage in Armenia.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #yazidisofarmenia  

Yazidi organizations of Armenia condemn the transformation of Yazidi temple in Aknalich into a family shrine

Read: 2045     12:30     10 Октябрь 2023    

Yazidi figures in Armenia made a statement on the visit of Hazem Tahsin Bey to the country:

"All Yazidis know that the late Mirza Cholojevich Sloyan was a prominent Yazidi figure, and that his initiative to build a Yazidi temple for Yazidis in Armenia rendered a great and valuable service to Yazidis from all over the world. But, unfortunately, the temple has turned into a "family shrine" and personal property, holding religious ceremonies in this temple has acquired a family character rather than sacred religious ceremonies.

As you know, there is a division between religious shrines and political practices, and if there is any connection or interrelation between them, then they should be separated from each other, but unfortunately, as it is being implemented at present, there are negative practices in Imposing party politics on the Lalesh temple and Yazidis in Iraq from the outside The authorities and influential people in the Kurdistan regional government are trying to apply the same bad practice against Yazidis of Armenia and their shrines.

As you know, Hazem Tahsin Bey and his "spiritual council" were appointed and imposed by a political decision of the Kurdish party, above the power of Barzani himself, against the will of Yazidis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and it seems that the political parties themselves are trying to make Hazem Tahsin Bey an agent of Kurdistan politics, by all means forcing Yazidis of the whole world to recognize him.

A few months ago, with the direct support of Barzani's party, Hazem Tahsin Bey officially met with Yazidis in Germany, and a few weeks ago he continued meetings with a number of Yazidis from the United States, and today the same political party that handed over Yazidis and Sinjar (Shangal) to ISIS terrorists on August 3, 2014, sends its agent Hazem Tahsin to Armenia to meet with local Yazidis and impose yourself on them.

Therefore, we, as institutions, intellectuals and Yazidi figures in Armenia, pay attention to Yazidi public opinion and say that Hazem Tahsin Bey's visit to Armenia is an attempt to destroy Yazidi union, harmony and cohesion. We, Yazidis of Armenia, like our ancestors, remaining on Yazidi origins and principles, will not turn into something else under any political pressure. Everyone should know that Hazem Tahsin is not a guest of Yazidis of Armenia, but rather he is just a guest of the family of the late Mizra Cholojevich, and that his visit to Armenia is a purely political visit. Yazidis have no interest or benefit in it, and therefore we hope that this issue is known to everyone.

We, Yazidis of Armenia, do not accept and will not accept Hazem as our "prince", nor do we recognize him as the prince of Yazidis in general, he is rather a servant and an instrument for implementing the policy of the Kurdish party towards Yazidis.

Therefore, Hazem Tahsin Bey is a big problem for Yazidis of Iraq in particular, as well as for all Yazidis of the world in general, so we are not going to accept him in Armenia so that he will create problems for us in the future.

In conclusion, Hazem and the politicians supporting him should know that Armenia is not Kurdistan".

The undersigned:

Khedr Ajoyan is the President of the National Union of Yazidis of the Republic of Armenia.

Boris Tamoyan is the Chairman of the National Assembly of Yazidis.

Maxim Darvishyan is the Director of Yazidi Center for Religion and Heritage in Armenia.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #yazidisofarmenia