German Foreign Ministry: Germany will continue to support Yazidis

Read: 1119     12:30     14 Март 2023    

After the German Foreign Minister visited the camps of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons in Kurdistan and in Sinuni region, the German Foreign Ministry announced further support for Yazidis.

Sinjar in Iraq was home to tens of thousands of Yazidi women until ISIS took over the city and razed it to the ground. Sinjar was liberated from ISIS in 2015, but the towns and villages where Yazidi population lived are still mined.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock reviewed the situation in Sinjar and discussed current issues with UNMAS staff. UNMAS cleans the streets of the region from mines, also training Iraqi forces in mine clearance, as safe land is the basis for the restoration of the homeland of Yazidi people.

Only a third of the Yazidis who fled Sinjar were able to return. Many people are seriously injured, they lack state structures and prospects at home, so Germany also supports the reconstruction of residential buildings, electricity supply, the construction of dozens of kindergartens and schools.

A course of intercultural therapy has been introduced at the University of Dahuk at the expense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which Iraqi psychotherapists are trained, the first generation of graduates are already working in refugee camps and helping victims cope with their experiences.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis  

German Foreign Ministry: Germany will continue to support Yazidis

Read: 1120     12:30     14 Март 2023    

After the German Foreign Minister visited the camps of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons in Kurdistan and in Sinuni region, the German Foreign Ministry announced further support for Yazidis.

Sinjar in Iraq was home to tens of thousands of Yazidi women until ISIS took over the city and razed it to the ground. Sinjar was liberated from ISIS in 2015, but the towns and villages where Yazidi population lived are still mined.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock reviewed the situation in Sinjar and discussed current issues with UNMAS staff. UNMAS cleans the streets of the region from mines, also training Iraqi forces in mine clearance, as safe land is the basis for the restoration of the homeland of Yazidi people.

Only a third of the Yazidis who fled Sinjar were able to return. Many people are seriously injured, they lack state structures and prospects at home, so Germany also supports the reconstruction of residential buildings, electricity supply, the construction of dozens of kindergartens and schools.

A course of intercultural therapy has been introduced at the University of Dahuk at the expense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which Iraqi psychotherapists are trained, the first generation of graduates are already working in refugee camps and helping victims cope with their experiences.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis