The Supreme Court of Iraq decided to grant more quotas to Yazidis in Parliament

Read: 1748     13:30     01 Август 2019    

The Supreme Federal court of Iraq decided to increase the quotas for representatives of Yazidis in the Parliament of the country in accordance with their number. This is reported by the Iraqi television channel Alsumaria.

"The court ruled that the Yazidis should be given seats in Parliament in proportion to the population. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 49 of the Constitution", — stated in the operative part of the court decision.

According to article 49 of the Iraqi Constitution, for every 100,000 members of national minorities, one mandate should be given in the Iraqi Parliament. Thus, Yazidis can count on 5 seats in the Parliament of the country, as more than 500,000 Yazidis live in Iraq. Following the results of parliamentary elections in 2018, the Parliament passed three Yazidi candidate, Saib Khidir from the "Yazidi party for progress," Khalid Khalil, a member of DPK and Hussein Hassan of Narmo the representative of the PSK.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #ezidi   #yazidi   #newsezidi  

The Supreme Court of Iraq decided to grant more quotas to Yazidis in Parliament

Read: 1749     13:30     01 Август 2019    

The Supreme Federal court of Iraq decided to increase the quotas for representatives of Yazidis in the Parliament of the country in accordance with their number. This is reported by the Iraqi television channel Alsumaria.

"The court ruled that the Yazidis should be given seats in Parliament in proportion to the population. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 49 of the Constitution", — stated in the operative part of the court decision.

According to article 49 of the Iraqi Constitution, for every 100,000 members of national minorities, one mandate should be given in the Iraqi Parliament. Thus, Yazidis can count on 5 seats in the Parliament of the country, as more than 500,000 Yazidis live in Iraq. Following the results of parliamentary elections in 2018, the Parliament passed three Yazidi candidate, Saib Khidir from the "Yazidi party for progress," Khalid Khalil, a member of DPK and Hussein Hassan of Narmo the representative of the PSK.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #ezidi   #yazidi   #newsezidi