Georgian gov't announces tax amnesty for individual entrepreneurs

Read: 714     11:00     08 Апрель 2024    

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze announced at a government meeting that all natural persons, including individual entrepreneurs, will have their recognized tax debts incurred and unpaid before January 1, 2021, written off in full.

The tax amnesty will provide relief to approximately 145,000 individuals, including sole proprietors, whose total tax debts amount to 590 million GEL.

Kobakhidze expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Finance for preparing the proposal.

“In Georgia, a significant number of people, including sole proprietors, are struggling with tax debts, which is preventing them from participating in economic activities. To address this issue, we have decided to write off all relevant debts, including those accrued before January 1, 2021, and unpaid tax arrears, including additional taxes.

Once this draft law is accepted, approximately 145,000 individuals will have their tax debts written off, totalling GEL 590 million. This initiative will allow these citizens to actively participate in our economy, contributing to its overall development,” Kobakhidze said.


Georgian gov't announces tax amnesty for individual entrepreneurs

Read: 715     11:00     08 Апрель 2024    

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze announced at a government meeting that all natural persons, including individual entrepreneurs, will have their recognized tax debts incurred and unpaid before January 1, 2021, written off in full.

The tax amnesty will provide relief to approximately 145,000 individuals, including sole proprietors, whose total tax debts amount to 590 million GEL.

Kobakhidze expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Finance for preparing the proposal.

“In Georgia, a significant number of people, including sole proprietors, are struggling with tax debts, which is preventing them from participating in economic activities. To address this issue, we have decided to write off all relevant debts, including those accrued before January 1, 2021, and unpaid tax arrears, including additional taxes.

Once this draft law is accepted, approximately 145,000 individuals will have their tax debts written off, totalling GEL 590 million. This initiative will allow these citizens to actively participate in our economy, contributing to its overall development,” Kobakhidze said.
