Georgian Parliament refused to consider a petition to ban air travel and visa-free regime with Russia

Read: 1137     11:00     14 Сентябрь 2023    

Georgian Parliament did not consider the petition signed by 6,084 citizens banning direct flights between Russia and Georgia and visa-free travel for Russian citizens. On September 12, the Parliamentary Committee on Sectoral Economics and Economic Policy considered the issue in a procedural manner.

"From the position taken by the state that it does not impose sanctions against Russia, because first of all these sanctions will be aimed at damaging the country's economy and will affect the citizens of our country… we believe that it is inappropriate to study the petition and consider it in depth," said the chairman of the committee, David Songulashvili.

He did not allow the authors of the petition to express their opinion at the committee meeting.

Two representatives of the opposition supported the consideration of the petition at the meeting, and four representatives of the majority voted against.

The petition was submitted to the Georgian Parliament on May 15, after the Russian president canceled the decision on the visa regime and the ban on flights with Georgia. The initiators of the petition opposed the restoration of direct flights between Russia and Georgia in light of Russia's occupation of 20% of Georgia's territory and the ongoing war with Ukraine.


Georgian Parliament refused to consider a petition to ban air travel and visa-free regime with Russia

Read: 1138     11:00     14 Сентябрь 2023    

Georgian Parliament did not consider the petition signed by 6,084 citizens banning direct flights between Russia and Georgia and visa-free travel for Russian citizens. On September 12, the Parliamentary Committee on Sectoral Economics and Economic Policy considered the issue in a procedural manner.

"From the position taken by the state that it does not impose sanctions against Russia, because first of all these sanctions will be aimed at damaging the country's economy and will affect the citizens of our country… we believe that it is inappropriate to study the petition and consider it in depth," said the chairman of the committee, David Songulashvili.

He did not allow the authors of the petition to express their opinion at the committee meeting.

Two representatives of the opposition supported the consideration of the petition at the meeting, and four representatives of the majority voted against.

The petition was submitted to the Georgian Parliament on May 15, after the Russian president canceled the decision on the visa regime and the ban on flights with Georgia. The initiators of the petition opposed the restoration of direct flights between Russia and Georgia in light of Russia's occupation of 20% of Georgia's territory and the ongoing war with Ukraine.
