The Minister of Justice explains the situation regarding the simplification of the procedure for obtaining Georgian citizenship

Read: 886     11:00     07 Июнь 2023    

In his Facebook post, the minister talks about simplifying the procedures for obtaining Georgian citizenship for his compatriots living abroad.

According to him, in 2017 a record appeared in the Constitution of Georgia, according to which the state is obliged to take care of the preservation and development of close ties with the homeland of compatriots living abroad. A legislative initiative was drafted in fulfillment of that record.

"From today, a person who fails a test (Georgian, history, law) is deprived of the opportunity to reapply for citizenship in the state for one year.

According to the submitted amendment, in case of failure he will have the right to try to succeed without restrictions, and if a positive result occurs, the state will initiate the appropriate procedure.

Result N1: As a result of the initiative presented by us, Georgian citizenship will be granted only to those who know Georgian language, basics of Georgian history and Georgian law, and at the same time the process will be much fairer and more flexible for those wishing to obtain citizenship.

Result N2: The state gives applicants for citizenship a better chance of success.

The changes also apply to stateless persons. As of today, these persons have a minimum of 10 years of residence in Georgia, which is reduced to 5 years in order to obtain citizenship.

Georgia made the mentioned commitment to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Result N3: Another fulfilled international obligation and getting closer to the international community", writes Rati Bregadze.


The Minister of Justice explains the situation regarding the simplification of the procedure for obtaining Georgian citizenship

Read: 887     11:00     07 Июнь 2023    

In his Facebook post, the minister talks about simplifying the procedures for obtaining Georgian citizenship for his compatriots living abroad.

According to him, in 2017 a record appeared in the Constitution of Georgia, according to which the state is obliged to take care of the preservation and development of close ties with the homeland of compatriots living abroad. A legislative initiative was drafted in fulfillment of that record.

"From today, a person who fails a test (Georgian, history, law) is deprived of the opportunity to reapply for citizenship in the state for one year.

According to the submitted amendment, in case of failure he will have the right to try to succeed without restrictions, and if a positive result occurs, the state will initiate the appropriate procedure.

Result N1: As a result of the initiative presented by us, Georgian citizenship will be granted only to those who know Georgian language, basics of Georgian history and Georgian law, and at the same time the process will be much fairer and more flexible for those wishing to obtain citizenship.

Result N2: The state gives applicants for citizenship a better chance of success.

The changes also apply to stateless persons. As of today, these persons have a minimum of 10 years of residence in Georgia, which is reduced to 5 years in order to obtain citizenship.

Georgia made the mentioned commitment to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Result N3: Another fulfilled international obligation and getting closer to the international community", writes Rati Bregadze.
