Unemployment and Employment in Georgia - New Data

Read: 929     14:00     23 Май 2023    

Georgia's unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2023 was 18%, down 1.4 percentage points from the same period in 2022, according to the country's National Statistics Service, Sakstat.

Georgia's unemployment rate was 16.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022, 15.6 percent in the third quarter, 18.1 percent in the second quarter and 19.4 percent in the first quarter.

In Georgia, the unemployment rate is calculated on the basis of the ratio of the number of employed and unemployed from the economically active population.

During the reporting period, the number of unemployed decreased by 10.4 thousand people (3.6%) and amounted to 279.2 thousand people. At the same time in urban areas unemployment decreased by 0.8 percentage points, and in rural areas - by 2.4.

The unemployment rate in Georgia is traditionally higher among men than women (20.3% to 15.1%).

In the first quarter of 2023, the rate decreased by 1.1 percentage points for men and by 1.7 percentage points for women.

The number of employed workers in Georgia in the first quarter increased by 45,800 (5.6%) from the first quarter of last year to 863,500. The number of self-employed grew by 25,400 (6.6%) to 407,700.

The level of activity among men is higher than among women. In the first quarter, the figure for women was 41.9%, and for men - 63.6%. At the same time, the activity level of women increased by 2.9 percentage points, and men - by 1.1 percentage points.


Unemployment and Employment in Georgia - New Data

Read: 930     14:00     23 Май 2023    

Georgia's unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2023 was 18%, down 1.4 percentage points from the same period in 2022, according to the country's National Statistics Service, Sakstat.

Georgia's unemployment rate was 16.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022, 15.6 percent in the third quarter, 18.1 percent in the second quarter and 19.4 percent in the first quarter.

In Georgia, the unemployment rate is calculated on the basis of the ratio of the number of employed and unemployed from the economically active population.

During the reporting period, the number of unemployed decreased by 10.4 thousand people (3.6%) and amounted to 279.2 thousand people. At the same time in urban areas unemployment decreased by 0.8 percentage points, and in rural areas - by 2.4.

The unemployment rate in Georgia is traditionally higher among men than women (20.3% to 15.1%).

In the first quarter of 2023, the rate decreased by 1.1 percentage points for men and by 1.7 percentage points for women.

The number of employed workers in Georgia in the first quarter increased by 45,800 (5.6%) from the first quarter of last year to 863,500. The number of self-employed grew by 25,400 (6.6%) to 407,700.

The level of activity among men is higher than among women. In the first quarter, the figure for women was 41.9%, and for men - 63.6%. At the same time, the activity level of women increased by 2.9 percentage points, and men - by 1.1 percentage points.
