The head of the EU observer mission received a delegation of the European External Action Service in Odzisi

Read: 1544     14:00     16 Март 2023    

The head of the EU observer Mission in Georgia, Dimitrios Karabalis, received a delegation of the European External Action Service during a visit to the Odzisi checkpoint. The information is distributed by the EU Delegation in Georgia.

"In Odzisi, the observers of the European Union Mission informed the delegation of the European External Action Service about the security situation and the latest developments along the administrative border. They stressed the difficulties faced by the local population living on both sides of the administrative border, especially in connection with the prolonged closure of the Odzisi checkpoint for regular traffic across the administrative border. The observers of the EU Observer Mission told how the ongoing "borderization" activity restricts freedom of movement, for example, when it comes to access to agricultural land, as well as to religious sites and cemeteries", the report says.


The head of the EU observer mission received a delegation of the European External Action Service in Odzisi

Read: 1545     14:00     16 Март 2023    

The head of the EU observer Mission in Georgia, Dimitrios Karabalis, received a delegation of the European External Action Service during a visit to the Odzisi checkpoint. The information is distributed by the EU Delegation in Georgia.

"In Odzisi, the observers of the European Union Mission informed the delegation of the European External Action Service about the security situation and the latest developments along the administrative border. They stressed the difficulties faced by the local population living on both sides of the administrative border, especially in connection with the prolonged closure of the Odzisi checkpoint for regular traffic across the administrative border. The observers of the EU Observer Mission told how the ongoing "borderization" activity restricts freedom of movement, for example, when it comes to access to agricultural land, as well as to religious sites and cemeteries", the report says.
