Washington: the results of the meeting of the President of Georgia with Biden's national security adviser

Read: 1423     11:00     13 Март 2023    

Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili met with Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden's national security adviser, in Washington during her visit to the United States.

According to the White House, Zourabichvili and Sullivan discussed the latest developments in Georgia and stressed their common interest in Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration.

The conversation also touched upon the draft laws on "foreign agents", which were withdrawn by the parliamentary majority in Georgia on March 10 amid mass protests.

"We discussed the general concern about the draft law, which provided for the registration and stigmatization of civil society organizations due to their external funding, which could interfere with the important work of hundreds of Georgian NGOs", the White House said in a statement.

Zourabichvili was in the USA at the height of the recent events in Georgia and remotely supported the protesters from there.

Sullivan and Zourabichvili welcomed the decision of the parliamentary majority to cancel both bills.

Prior to that, the US State Department had several times expressed concern about this legislative initiative.

"Georgia is grateful to the United States for supporting the Georgian people and their commitment to democratic values and European integration", Zourabichvili wrote on Twitter following the meeting.



Washington: the results of the meeting of the President of Georgia with Biden's national security adviser

Read: 1424     11:00     13 Март 2023    

Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili met with Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden's national security adviser, in Washington during her visit to the United States.

According to the White House, Zourabichvili and Sullivan discussed the latest developments in Georgia and stressed their common interest in Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration.

The conversation also touched upon the draft laws on "foreign agents", which were withdrawn by the parliamentary majority in Georgia on March 10 amid mass protests.

"We discussed the general concern about the draft law, which provided for the registration and stigmatization of civil society organizations due to their external funding, which could interfere with the important work of hundreds of Georgian NGOs", the White House said in a statement.

Zourabichvili was in the USA at the height of the recent events in Georgia and remotely supported the protesters from there.

Sullivan and Zourabichvili welcomed the decision of the parliamentary majority to cancel both bills.

Prior to that, the US State Department had several times expressed concern about this legislative initiative.

"Georgia is grateful to the United States for supporting the Georgian people and their commitment to democratic values and European integration", Zourabichvili wrote on Twitter following the meeting.

