SMS ads to be permitted upon recipient's consent

Read: 1199     13:00     01 Март 2024    

Some amendments to the Law on Personal Data Protection, approved by the Georgian parliament in March 2023, went into force today. Promotional SMS ads will be permitted upon the recipient’s consent only.

Other amendments to the Law will be enforced from June 1. Any state institution or some private companies will compulsively have a personal data protection officer.

The upper verge of the sanction for the violations defined by the Personal Data Protection Service is GEL 20,000.


SMS ads to be permitted upon recipient's consent

Read: 1200     13:00     01 Март 2024    

Some amendments to the Law on Personal Data Protection, approved by the Georgian parliament in March 2023, went into force today. Promotional SMS ads will be permitted upon the recipient’s consent only.

Other amendments to the Law will be enforced from June 1. Any state institution or some private companies will compulsively have a personal data protection officer.

The upper verge of the sanction for the violations defined by the Personal Data Protection Service is GEL 20,000.
