Tina Bokuchava: The country's economy works only on Ivanishvili and his entourage

Read: 723     14:00     09 Февраль 2024    

The economy in the country works only on Ivanishvili and his entourage, Tina Bokuchava, chairperson of the "National Movement" faction, said about this.

In addition, Bokuchava states that she does not expect the investigation of corruption facts.

"If Kobakhidze wants the public to believe in his promise of intolerance to corruption, he should not only exchange the chair with Gharibashvili, but also start an investigation into elite corruption. Then the public would believe if an impartial, independent investigation was started against Gharibashvili and other officials, with respect to whom there are suspicions of elite corruption. Naturally, this will not happen, which shows that this next promise from the new prime minister is in vain. In relation to the issues that are important for citizens and are related to employment, high-paying jobs, nothing will change, and this was confirmed by Kobakhidze when he said that there is progress in the economic direction and the main thing for him is to maintain this dynamic. Therefore, it is a fact, it is necessary to change the government, which should be achieved through elections", Bokuchava noted.


Tina Bokuchava: The country's economy works only on Ivanishvili and his entourage

Read: 724     14:00     09 Февраль 2024    

The economy in the country works only on Ivanishvili and his entourage, Tina Bokuchava, chairperson of the "National Movement" faction, said about this.

In addition, Bokuchava states that she does not expect the investigation of corruption facts.

"If Kobakhidze wants the public to believe in his promise of intolerance to corruption, he should not only exchange the chair with Gharibashvili, but also start an investigation into elite corruption. Then the public would believe if an impartial, independent investigation was started against Gharibashvili and other officials, with respect to whom there are suspicions of elite corruption. Naturally, this will not happen, which shows that this next promise from the new prime minister is in vain. In relation to the issues that are important for citizens and are related to employment, high-paying jobs, nothing will change, and this was confirmed by Kobakhidze when he said that there is progress in the economic direction and the main thing for him is to maintain this dynamic. Therefore, it is a fact, it is necessary to change the government, which should be achieved through elections", Bokuchava noted.
