GD Chair foresees opposition's strategy of abandoning mandates, rules out 2021-type negotiations

Read: 1348     14:00     25 ЯНВАРЬ 2024    

“I anticipate that the opposition will once again engage in the same absurdity, refraining from entering the parliament and renouncing mandates, even when there is no chance of success,” stated Irakli Kobakhidze, the ruling Georgian Dream party chair.

Kobakhidze mentioned that such actions by the opposition would be self-harming.

“You can imagine a scenario where we secure the constitutional majority, and the collective United National Movement gains 30 mandates. In such a situation, they are likely to repeat the same course of action, ultimately harming themselves. It is a logically foreseeable outcome.

I anticipate that the opposition will once again engage in the same absurd, refraining from entering the parliament and renouncing mandates, even when there is no chance of success. We asserted in 2021 that we would never sign an agreement deviating from the constitutional framework or engage in negotiations similar to those in 2021. Consequently, regardless of the external support they may seek, there is no prospect for such endeavours,” he stated.


GD Chair foresees opposition's strategy of abandoning mandates, rules out 2021-type negotiations

Read: 1349     14:00     25 ЯНВАРЬ 2024    

“I anticipate that the opposition will once again engage in the same absurdity, refraining from entering the parliament and renouncing mandates, even when there is no chance of success,” stated Irakli Kobakhidze, the ruling Georgian Dream party chair.

Kobakhidze mentioned that such actions by the opposition would be self-harming.

“You can imagine a scenario where we secure the constitutional majority, and the collective United National Movement gains 30 mandates. In such a situation, they are likely to repeat the same course of action, ultimately harming themselves. It is a logically foreseeable outcome.

I anticipate that the opposition will once again engage in the same absurd, refraining from entering the parliament and renouncing mandates, even when there is no chance of success. We asserted in 2021 that we would never sign an agreement deviating from the constitutional framework or engage in negotiations similar to those in 2021. Consequently, regardless of the external support they may seek, there is no prospect for such endeavours,” he stated.
