Jozwiak: Georgia will receive candidate status if 9 EC recommendations are implemented

Read: 943     14:00     05 Декабрь 2023    

Rikard Jozwiak, the head of the European bureau of Radio Liberty, writes on the social network X that the latest draft conclusion on the EU enlargement issue says that Georgia will be granted candidate status if 9 recommendations of the European Commission (EC) are implemented.

Jozwiak emphasized that no final decision has been made yet on Ukraine or Moldova.

"In the latest draft of the EU enlargement conclusions there are recommendations to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, but in brackets (no final decision yet).

For Georgia - also in brackets - the candidate status is indicated "provided that the 9 remaining steps outlined in the Commission report are taken," Jozwiak writes.

We shall remind you that the final decision on Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova will be taken by the EU member states at the summit in Brussels, which will be held on December 14-15.

In its November 8 report on EU enlargement, the European Commission recommends that the 27 member states of the European Union - the Council of Europe - grant Georgia candidate status.


Jozwiak: Georgia will receive candidate status if 9 EC recommendations are implemented

Read: 944     14:00     05 Декабрь 2023    

Rikard Jozwiak, the head of the European bureau of Radio Liberty, writes on the social network X that the latest draft conclusion on the EU enlargement issue says that Georgia will be granted candidate status if 9 recommendations of the European Commission (EC) are implemented.

Jozwiak emphasized that no final decision has been made yet on Ukraine or Moldova.

"In the latest draft of the EU enlargement conclusions there are recommendations to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, but in brackets (no final decision yet).

For Georgia - also in brackets - the candidate status is indicated "provided that the 9 remaining steps outlined in the Commission report are taken," Jozwiak writes.

We shall remind you that the final decision on Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova will be taken by the EU member states at the summit in Brussels, which will be held on December 14-15.

In its November 8 report on EU enlargement, the European Commission recommends that the 27 member states of the European Union - the Council of Europe - grant Georgia candidate status.
