Prime Minister ordered to celebrate Georgia's EU candidate status

Read: 800     11:00     28 Ноябрь 2023    

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, without waiting for the final decision on the EU candidate status, has scheduled a national holiday and a concert in advance.

The decision of the EU leaders will be announced on December 14-15.

"We want to hold a nationwide, national celebration, a victory celebration and a concert to celebrate together this historic victory, the result of the work of our country and our people, our government and authorities," Garibashvili said.

The European Commission announced on November 8 that it is recommending that Georgia be granted EU candidate status - with a caveat that "nine steps" are needed in the future. Based on this recommendation, the European Council will make a final decision in December.

The EU draws attention to the need to bring Georgia's foreign policy closer to the EU. Currently, Georgia's level of compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy is about 43%, Radio Liberty notes.

The "nine steps" formulated for Georgia include two new recommendations, while the rest have moved from the old list.

Nine next steps for Georgia:

· fighting disinformation and manipulation of foreign information about the EU and European values;

· the need for Georgia to comply with EU foreign and security policy.

· depolarization;

· deoligarchization;

· holding fair elections - especially in the context of the 2024 parliamentary elections;

· increasing institutional independence - together with the CEC, the National Bank and the National Communications Regulatory Commission are on the list;

· judicial reform;

· fighting corruption;

· protection of human rights, minority rights, media and civil activists.


Prime Minister ordered to celebrate Georgia's EU candidate status

Read: 801     11:00     28 Ноябрь 2023    

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, without waiting for the final decision on the EU candidate status, has scheduled a national holiday and a concert in advance.

The decision of the EU leaders will be announced on December 14-15.

"We want to hold a nationwide, national celebration, a victory celebration and a concert to celebrate together this historic victory, the result of the work of our country and our people, our government and authorities," Garibashvili said.

The European Commission announced on November 8 that it is recommending that Georgia be granted EU candidate status - with a caveat that "nine steps" are needed in the future. Based on this recommendation, the European Council will make a final decision in December.

The EU draws attention to the need to bring Georgia's foreign policy closer to the EU. Currently, Georgia's level of compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy is about 43%, Radio Liberty notes.

The "nine steps" formulated for Georgia include two new recommendations, while the rest have moved from the old list.

Nine next steps for Georgia:

· fighting disinformation and manipulation of foreign information about the EU and European values;

· the need for Georgia to comply with EU foreign and security policy.

· depolarization;

· deoligarchization;

· holding fair elections - especially in the context of the 2024 parliamentary elections;

· increasing institutional independence - together with the CEC, the National Bank and the National Communications Regulatory Commission are on the list;

· judicial reform;

· fighting corruption;

· protection of human rights, minority rights, media and civil activists.
