Minister of Defense of Georgia: There should be a well-trained reserve in the country

Read: 1497     14:00     13 Март 2023    

There should be a well—trained reserve in the country," Georgian Defense Minister Juansher Burchuladze said.

The head of the Defense Ministry spoke about the importance of the new draft "Code of Defense" for the development of Georgia's defense capability.

He noted that for a country with such challenges as Georgia, there is no alternative to the principle of total defense.

"We have no other alternative but to have a well-trained and well-trained reserve in the country. We all agree with this, both we and our partners," said Juansher Burchuladze.

According to the head of the Ministry of Defense, Georgia will definitely fulfill the task of preparing a trained reserve.

As the Minister explained, this, as well as the regular contract army and compulsory military service are included in the ten-year plan for the development of the Defense Forces and the draft of the new "Code of Defense".

In addition, the head of the Georgian Defense Ministry on the Imedi TV channel once again spoke about the goals, the main innovations of the "Code of Defense" and its advantages from the point of view of social protection.

According to Juansher Burchuladze, the draft submitted by the Ministry of Defense provides for compulsory military service in more flexible, simplified conditions, which will help achieve one of the main goals - the creation of a properly trained reserve in the country.

Burchuladze stressed that students will undergo compulsory military service only voluntarily.

The Minister of Defense reminded the public that compulsory military service is still in effect in Georgia and the mentioned reform will not lead to significant, radical changes, but will contribute to the transformation of the National Conscript Service into a more flexible and simple system.


Minister of Defense of Georgia: There should be a well-trained reserve in the country

Read: 1498     14:00     13 Март 2023    

There should be a well—trained reserve in the country," Georgian Defense Minister Juansher Burchuladze said.

The head of the Defense Ministry spoke about the importance of the new draft "Code of Defense" for the development of Georgia's defense capability.

He noted that for a country with such challenges as Georgia, there is no alternative to the principle of total defense.

"We have no other alternative but to have a well-trained and well-trained reserve in the country. We all agree with this, both we and our partners," said Juansher Burchuladze.

According to the head of the Ministry of Defense, Georgia will definitely fulfill the task of preparing a trained reserve.

As the Minister explained, this, as well as the regular contract army and compulsory military service are included in the ten-year plan for the development of the Defense Forces and the draft of the new "Code of Defense".

In addition, the head of the Georgian Defense Ministry on the Imedi TV channel once again spoke about the goals, the main innovations of the "Code of Defense" and its advantages from the point of view of social protection.

According to Juansher Burchuladze, the draft submitted by the Ministry of Defense provides for compulsory military service in more flexible, simplified conditions, which will help achieve one of the main goals - the creation of a properly trained reserve in the country.

Burchuladze stressed that students will undergo compulsory military service only voluntarily.

The Minister of Defense reminded the public that compulsory military service is still in effect in Georgia and the mentioned reform will not lead to significant, radical changes, but will contribute to the transformation of the National Conscript Service into a more flexible and simple system.
