"What other evidence is needed?!": Georgian Prime Minister on calls for war from Ukraine

Read: 1559     14:00     19 Ноябрь 2022    

Garibashvili called on the opposition to stop sabotaging the work on fulfilling the requirements of the European Union

Representatives of Ukraine directly said that there would be a war in Georgia if the former authorities headed by ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili were in power, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly called on Georgia to take advantage of the opportunity and return the lost territories. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov was one of the first to call Georgia to open the second front. This, according to him, would greatly help Ukraine.

"They, representatives of the Ukrainian government, directly said that this government, meant us, is not ready for war, that we are not a government of war and if Saakashvili had been in power, there would have been a war. What other evidence is needed?" – said Garibashvili.

According to the Prime Minister, the goal of the opposition is to directly fulfill the tasks of partners from Ukraine.

"We saw the reaction to the non-acquisition of the candidate's status, their calculation was as follows: I must say directly, without any embellishment, that there will be some kind of public excitement and revolution, and what is the goal? Of course, the goal is not only to come to power, but also to fulfill the tasks of their partners in Ukraine", the Prime minister said.

Garibashvili was invited to the parliament to speak in the format of an interpellation and give answers to questions from a group of opposition deputies. The oppositionists asked what the ruling Georgian Dream party is doing to implement the recommendations of the European Union.

According to Garibashvili, the opposition arranges performances in connection with the status of the candidate and accused them of pharisaism and falsehood.

"If you want to get the status of a candidate, then be kind and work together with our dear colleagues, if not, then get away from this falsehood, hostility to the country and end the sabotage", the prime minister said.

In June, the European Council decided to recognize Georgia's European perspective and expressed readiness to grant it the status of a candidate country as soon as 12 conditions are met, including the eradication of polarization, de-oligarchization, electoral reform, and ensuring the full independence of the judicial system.

The ruling party started working on fulfilling the conditions of the European Union on July 1 with the support of only a part of the opposition and non-governmental organizations. The rest of the opposition, including the largest opposition party, the United National Movement, launched an alternative format for working on draft laws.

The opposition explained their refusal to work in the format proposed by the ruling Georgian Dream party by the fact that the authorities agreed to work on the implementation of the recommendations with reservations. These reservations, according to the opposition, "fundamentally contradict the implementation of the recommendations".




"What other evidence is needed?!": Georgian Prime Minister on calls for war from Ukraine

Read: 1560     14:00     19 Ноябрь 2022    

Garibashvili called on the opposition to stop sabotaging the work on fulfilling the requirements of the European Union

Representatives of Ukraine directly said that there would be a war in Georgia if the former authorities headed by ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili were in power, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly called on Georgia to take advantage of the opportunity and return the lost territories. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov was one of the first to call Georgia to open the second front. This, according to him, would greatly help Ukraine.

"They, representatives of the Ukrainian government, directly said that this government, meant us, is not ready for war, that we are not a government of war and if Saakashvili had been in power, there would have been a war. What other evidence is needed?" – said Garibashvili.

According to the Prime Minister, the goal of the opposition is to directly fulfill the tasks of partners from Ukraine.

"We saw the reaction to the non-acquisition of the candidate's status, their calculation was as follows: I must say directly, without any embellishment, that there will be some kind of public excitement and revolution, and what is the goal? Of course, the goal is not only to come to power, but also to fulfill the tasks of their partners in Ukraine", the Prime minister said.

Garibashvili was invited to the parliament to speak in the format of an interpellation and give answers to questions from a group of opposition deputies. The oppositionists asked what the ruling Georgian Dream party is doing to implement the recommendations of the European Union.

According to Garibashvili, the opposition arranges performances in connection with the status of the candidate and accused them of pharisaism and falsehood.

"If you want to get the status of a candidate, then be kind and work together with our dear colleagues, if not, then get away from this falsehood, hostility to the country and end the sabotage", the prime minister said.

In June, the European Council decided to recognize Georgia's European perspective and expressed readiness to grant it the status of a candidate country as soon as 12 conditions are met, including the eradication of polarization, de-oligarchization, electoral reform, and ensuring the full independence of the judicial system.

The ruling party started working on fulfilling the conditions of the European Union on July 1 with the support of only a part of the opposition and non-governmental organizations. The rest of the opposition, including the largest opposition party, the United National Movement, launched an alternative format for working on draft laws.

The opposition explained their refusal to work in the format proposed by the ruling Georgian Dream party by the fact that the authorities agreed to work on the implementation of the recommendations with reservations. These reservations, according to the opposition, "fundamentally contradict the implementation of the recommendations".


