Hasso Khurmi about their experiences world: "We live in a time distortion of facts, calling them by their names for personal reasons"

Read: 3537     12:30     19 ЯНВАРЬ 2022    

Researcher, writer, publicist Hasso Khurmi media expressed their opinions about the war in Iraq and the destruction of the Yazidi people in Shangal (Sinjar).

ISIS has subjected all Yazidis most heinous violations of human rights, seeking to destroy and erase the people through killings, slavery, torture, sexual violence against Yezidi girls, forced displacement and force them to change religions.

"We live in a time of distortions of facts and things, calling them by their wrong names, and portraying them in different images that do not express their truth, for personal purposes.

Under the banner of humanity are those who, in perverse ways, seek to turn representatives of the Yezidi community from victims and oppressed into oppressors and executioners.

"Children of ISIS— are children of different nationalities, forcibly abducted and enslaved Iraqis, Kurds, Russians, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Moroccans, Ukrainians, Iranians, Algerians, Germans, French, children from South American countries, as well as captured Yezidis. They are forcibly forced to convert to Islam, they are trained to kill representatives of other nationalities and religions, they are already terrorists subconsciously and their psyche cannot be corrected. This is known and understood in European countries.

It is shocking that the international community refuses to resist the presence of thousands of foreign women who have been radicalized and come to areas under the control of ISIS in order to join the ranks of terrorists, and many of them have children from the fathers of terrorists of unknown origin and fate.

The Law on the Civil Status of Iraq and the Law on the National Map "grant the status of a Muslim to every child whose identity is unknown or born of a Muslim father." This means that all the children of the raped Yezidis will be registered as Muslims in accordance with the law.

Where is the logic and where is the humanity in asking a Yazidi family to adopt and raise a child who is not allowed to be a Yazidi by Iraqi laws!?", Hasso Hurmi said.

Not only have the Yezidi people been subjected to genocide, murder, violence, but also the state and the law create new problems for the Yezidi families in which the girls were raped. After all, the law obliges to raise a child whose "father" is a Muslim, and so what if he is a terrorist and a rapist, the child must grow up to be a "true Muslim" for the Iraqi state, that's justice in Iraqi.


Hasso Khurmi about their experiences world: "We live in a time distortion of facts, calling them by their names for personal reasons"

Read: 3538     12:30     19 ЯНВАРЬ 2022    

Researcher, writer, publicist Hasso Khurmi media expressed their opinions about the war in Iraq and the destruction of the Yazidi people in Shangal (Sinjar).

ISIS has subjected all Yazidis most heinous violations of human rights, seeking to destroy and erase the people through killings, slavery, torture, sexual violence against Yezidi girls, forced displacement and force them to change religions.

"We live in a time of distortions of facts and things, calling them by their wrong names, and portraying them in different images that do not express their truth, for personal purposes.

Under the banner of humanity are those who, in perverse ways, seek to turn representatives of the Yezidi community from victims and oppressed into oppressors and executioners.

"Children of ISIS— are children of different nationalities, forcibly abducted and enslaved Iraqis, Kurds, Russians, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Moroccans, Ukrainians, Iranians, Algerians, Germans, French, children from South American countries, as well as captured Yezidis. They are forcibly forced to convert to Islam, they are trained to kill representatives of other nationalities and religions, they are already terrorists subconsciously and their psyche cannot be corrected. This is known and understood in European countries.

It is shocking that the international community refuses to resist the presence of thousands of foreign women who have been radicalized and come to areas under the control of ISIS in order to join the ranks of terrorists, and many of them have children from the fathers of terrorists of unknown origin and fate.

The Law on the Civil Status of Iraq and the Law on the National Map "grant the status of a Muslim to every child whose identity is unknown or born of a Muslim father." This means that all the children of the raped Yezidis will be registered as Muslims in accordance with the law.

Where is the logic and where is the humanity in asking a Yazidi family to adopt and raise a child who is not allowed to be a Yazidi by Iraqi laws!?", Hasso Hurmi said.

Not only have the Yezidi people been subjected to genocide, murder, violence, but also the state and the law create new problems for the Yezidi families in which the girls were raped. After all, the law obliges to raise a child whose "father" is a Muslim, and so what if he is a terrorist and a rapist, the child must grow up to be a "true Muslim" for the Iraqi state, that's justice in Iraqi.
