The "triumph" of the Taliban in Afghanistan, a new threat to the Yazidis?

Read: 4829     12:30     06 Декабрь 2021    

As we know, on August 15, after a rapid victorious march through the country, the Taliban militants entered Kabul, thereby returning to power in Afghanistan after almost 20 years. But who are these Taliban and are they dangerous for the Yazidis?
"The Taliban is an Islamist movement that originated in Afghanistan among the Pashtuns in 1994. The official religion of the Taliban is such a trend of Islam as Asharism; anyone who does not agree with this ideology, according to the Taliban, is lost and is subject to persecution. In the controlled territories, the Taliban introduces sharia norms, the implementation of which is strictly controlled."

Tags: #yazidisinfo  

The "triumph" of the Taliban in Afghanistan, a new threat to the Yazidis?

Read: 4830     12:30     06 Декабрь 2021    

As we know, on August 15, after a rapid victorious march through the country, the Taliban militants entered Kabul, thereby returning to power in Afghanistan after almost 20 years. But who are these Taliban and are they dangerous for the Yazidis?
"The Taliban is an Islamist movement that originated in Afghanistan among the Pashtuns in 1994. The official religion of the Taliban is such a trend of Islam as Asharism; anyone who does not agree with this ideology, according to the Taliban, is lost and is subject to persecution. In the controlled territories, the Taliban introduces sharia norms, the implementation of which is strictly controlled."

Tags: #yazidisinfo